Welcome to Jefferson & Marion County,Texas
The town enjoyed hosting all of us!
Thank you to everyone who came out!
Thank you to everyone who came out!
Visitors Guide for July - September
When you visit Jefferson, Texas, you take a journey back through time to a bustling 19th century river port. It was an era of prosperity and wealth, of petticoats and parasols, of Southern grace and romance. Today’s Jefferson is reminiscent of its heyday with antique shops lining the original brick streets, horse-drawn carriage tours, and even a trip on the bayou.
The rich and diverse history of Jefferson, Texas is told through numerous factual and romantic accounts, including those that describe its dramatic rise to prosperity during the mid 1800’s, as the states’ largest and most significant riverport. This period of prosperity has come to be known as “The Golden Era”. Jefferson erupted into a mid-19th-century boomtown with the help of a genteel, graceful society of successful and well-bred families, a host of nefarious opportunists and a rich assortment of eclectic individuals, while offering a supply point and doorway to settlers and immigrants looking for a new life. She was and remains, The Queen of the Bayou. |