Brian Sowers Legacy…
“It didn’t matter where you placed, Brian always made you feel like you were the best angler that ever was.” - everyone
In gathering stories on Brian Sowers and how he impacted the lives he touched through crappie fishing; this statement was a common phrase amongst the anglers.
Brian had a personal love for crappie fishing as a sport. He knew where everyone had been and how they placed, even if it wasn’t on his stage.
He always took time to connect on a level that made everyone matter. He gave attention to detail about people, and he never forgot those things about them.
Brian never met anyone he didn’t care for and was an easy person to be friends with. Everyone enjoyed being around him. He was never negative, ever, and always found a way to make everything good, no matter the circumstance.
Socially Brian didn’t’ have any clicks. He took the time to hang out with everyone. Whether it was to sit and eat at a table, hang out in the parking lot, or go fishing, he spent a lot of time with a lot of different people.
Family time was very important to Brian. Mike Valentine, who traveled the trail 10 years with Brian says, “he talked about his grandson often, and that he would see something while out traveling and say, “Oh he’d love that”!
Also, any time his phone rang, and it was his wife, he’d stop everything and answer. She was his number one.”
Over the years Brian donated much of his time to many events, helping organizations in any way he could, fundraising or otherwise.
He was highly involved in the Missouri State Fair emceeing events and spent a lot of time every year with the fair helping in any way he could.
Mike adds, “Brian was a very giving guy all around. I’d tell him it’s okay to say no sometimes, but he was always in to do whatever he could to help anywhere he was able.”
Brian’s love for the outdoors was incredible, not just for crappie fishing, he loved all things outside.
He bass fished prior to crappie fishing and had been around the tournament game for a while. Then crappie grew on him, and the rest is history!
Brian also had an active role in agriculture, as ag had always been a part of his life. He partnered with Renewable Fuels Association as an advocate for clean water.
Brian took many trips to Washington DC and wrote his own speeches. He would testify in hearings and fly up to lobby and speak on behalf of the association. Cleaner air and water, and what we are leaving the next generation, were very important to him.
He had a radio show called “In the outdoors with Brian”. He used this platform to share his passion about cleaner emissions and water and preserving the land for future generations.
When it came to the rising generation, he was very passionate about encouraging the youth to be involved in the outdoors, telling the parents to take their kids outside and make memories. He would ALWAYS stress how important it is to get kids outside.”
We in the crappie fishing world can still hear Brian’s heart and his key phrase “give a kid a tackle box, not an X box!”
Brian, we did just that!
Brian’s legacy lives strong and we are honored to have served him well in this legacy tournament, scholarship dinner event, and kids fishing tournament.